Då väntar man helt rastlös!

Det är typ 6 timmar kvar tills man ska bege sig till Arlanda och äta frukost :) Natalie kommer snart hit med chips och dipp, är helt taggad för att fetta i mig svensk mat för en sista gång på 5 månader. Kan knappt tro att det är dags. Blev många tårar när man sa hejdå till Petra, Marielle, Emma, Sanna och Lisa. Herregud vad jag kommer att sakna dom! All kärlek till er tjejer ♥!
Nu har jag i alla fall packat ihop allt det sista och nu väntar jag endast på att tiden ska fara iväg. Tror dock att jag kommer att stå på Arlanda och inse att jag glömt hälften här i Nacka, så typiskt mig. Farväl Sverige kommer inte sakna det ;)

Svenska på G!

Eftersom att mamma inte är så bra på engelska har hon bestämt att jag ska skriva på svenska, lame - jag ska ju faktiskt till USA! Jag är sjukt nervös och man börjar smått inse att man ska flytta. I och för sig kommer man tillbaka till Sverige i December, man missar inte Julafton samt massvis med presenter i onödan! ICKE, men stannar dock en vecka endast eftersom att kylan är någonting jag inte tål! Jag har insett att min resväska väger en hel del. Jag orkar knappt bära den vilket kommer leda till en fet check för övervikt. Bella och jag planerade att köpa alkohol på taxfreen på Arlanda, men insåg snabbt att jag nog inte skulle komma in med den när vi checkar in till vårt flyg i N.Y. Med andra ord så är det Bella som får köpa spriten ;) Hon är en riktigt go kvinna hon.
Reagan kommer i alla fall och hämtar oss när vi är framme imorgon. Det planeras att bli runt 18.30 Amerikansk tid. Jag tror att tiden har gått alldeles för fort. Det känns som om det var igår jag satt och berättade för mitt crew att jag skulle flytta. Magen börjar verkligen knipa ihop sig men jag är excited!

På återseende!

Tonight is the night..

Tonight is the night to go! I am nervous, but it's acctually about the flight. I don't like to fly and now I have to do it for 15 hours with one stop in N.Y. I hate their bathrooms and I don't like their food. I'm gonna starv and I won't use the bathroom. I hope my Mac Book has low battery, I will need my best friend today!

Dinner with my lovely crew tonight! But first I have to go to Swedbank and tell them to transfer my money into my Nordea card, otherwise the money won't show up in time. And we want that, right!?

Got it!

Called STA travel today and got my ticket. They thought it was funny and joked about it. I didn't laugh at all, thought it was a lame joke.. And I realized that my cable for my camera is gone so I can load the battery. This is not okay in any ways! My room is so dirty and now I have to search for the cable. Hmm, maybe mom can do it for me ;)
Well, I have to go and meet up Ida now, we have a lot to talk about!

My ticket!?

I just realized that I've deleted my e-ticket. Now, how am I suppose to get on that plane? And why am I not suprised? Hmm, so I had to work today - only 3 hours so I couldn't complain. Money is something I really need! I don't want to be the poor swedish girl LOL!
I also found out that I might not be aloud to bring 2 suitcases, and that's not gonna work! I need 2, I mean.. I'm gonna move - not go away for some short vacation. Who can pack their lifes into 1 suitcase? Can't believe it!

Glee - Don't stop believin'

I'm waiting for my sister to send me all the pictures from Zante! It takes longer than I thought. While waiting I'm trying to relaxe to my favourite song; Glee - Don't stop believin'! Their voices kills me! I wish I could sing like they do.
So finally decided to live with my friend Isabella near the school. I think it will be the best for me, I need to be as close to the school that I can. And finally ... OMG, it's almost friday! I'm so nervous, what if I won't like it!? I know I will, but what if..

La Brezza or SBCC

The right thing is to live close to the school - I might acctually get to my first class in time. But when I have a choice like this .. I just don't know.
La Brezza is so close to State Street and everything fun that is going on there. On the other hand SBCC is closer to IV (Isla Vista) where all the parties will be. Gosh I can't believe that I have to deal with this like 4 days before my flight goes. I should have thought about this earlier. Can't go back now, can I.

:) I'll figure something out!

Finally woke up!

Today is a new day with a lot of things to do! Just got off phone with Emma, I miss her and we'll meet up at 4. Still waiting for my Visa to arrive, but it seems like I'll have to wait another day. Last week I bought this new Mac Book computer (a laptop) so now I have to transfer all of my pictures and music to it and that will take a long, long, long time!

I'll give you all an update later on :)

Can't sleep!

Leaving all my friends and family seems to be harder than I thought. It's 5 days left and it feels like I haven't said goodbye to anyone! How do you say bye to friends? I know I'll see them again, but it's still hard. Do I give them a hug and say "Well, see you soon baby girl"? Or should I start crying and tell them I love them and that they will always be with me no matter where I am? I don't want it to be dramatic, I want it to be easy - not so emotional, just normal.

Well it's way over bedtime and I seriously need some sleep. I've been working for the last 4 days and I am exhausted!


How do you know what to bring? How do you know what's important in your life? How can you pack you life into 2 bags?

It's confusing and I don't know what to do. I'm doing my best and I'm trying not to hold on to things I won't need in America.

I'm looking at a picture of me that my friend Malin painted when I turned 20, I just have to take it with me...

2010-30-07 Arlanda - Newark

So... I guess this is the start of my new and hopefully succesful life. I'm leaving friends and family behind so I can build up my new life in America.

→ Am I nervous? - Of course, but more excited. I've been waiting for this day for the last 4 years. My dream was to get back there and never return to Sweden.. The day will soon be here and I can't be more ready.

Santa Barbara, here I come :)

Trust me girls, I'll miss you a lot!

Petra, Sanna, Marielle, Lisa, Emma, Minna, Maja ♥

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